Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 04 - A Good Night

I've had a good day. Not without its downsides - I did oversleep on my 6pm, but I'm pretty sure this can be avoided in future. How? Take extra naps if you need them. Simple as that. No point bullying yourself into staying awake just to wait uselessly, overtired, til your allotted sleep time. This can be taken too far, but the principle is sound and is a good remedial measure. Had a good day, and a great night, felt with it and alert pretty much the whole time. Certainly none of the straining to stay awake that had been haunting me.

Steve got back today from a couple days away - it does really help having another poly in the house. Apart from obvious things like making sure each other wakes up on time, it's helpful to have someone to bounce experiences and ideas off of. There's been so little real research done into this area (in spite of its blogcult popularity over recent years) that you are pretty much flying solo. There are only the most basic guidelines and rules to follow, and most "what ifs" are unanswered. So any personal experience is valuable. Also talking to Steve about setting up more of a routine - should help the nights pass more productively. I imagine it won't be stuck to religiously (knowing me) but if there's some sort of structure there I'm sure it'll help.

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