Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 02 - Rewards of Action

I was right about the crucible bit. 6am to 10am was the hardest segment I've done yet. In spite of getting up straight away, showering, making breakfast (ie standard wake-up routines) I still found myself falling asleep with my eyes wide open. Tried standing up, sitting down, walking - it didn't matter, the struggle went on. Made it through to 10 (somehow. My muscles still remember the fight - as I'm sliding into sleep they often now jolt in an effort to keep me awake). Had a great nap, then went to work with a friend on a short film script. It's much easier to stay awake and alert when you're A: around someone else; and/or B: engaged in a task which requires active participation. This isn't news, of course. Anyone who's ever been sleep deprived will know this, and know how grateful one is for A or B. Script meeting went really well (had my 2pm in the middle), then came home and (gasp) overslept. Not really sure how it happened - I keep my alarm well out of arms reach. Either I slept through a minutes worth of an obnoxious "Sunday Morning" ringtone twice (it's set to go off again in five minutes unless turned off) or I staggered across the room, turned the alarm off, staggered back onto my bed and kept sleeping - all without really waking up. Doesn't really matter why though does it? It happened. Anyway, it didn't mess up any of my other naps during the night (though it was a much harder night than last) and I seem to be back on track. On we go.

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